Steve Montanaro – Academy at Glengary, Inc. The journey to recovery starts here Wed, 31 Jan 2024 16:35:38 +0000 en hourly 1 Glengary Times – August 27, 2021 Mon, 30 Aug 2021 14:28:51 +0000 ]]> Multimedia is On-the-Go Thu, 25 Mar 2021 15:46:49 +0000 Academy member Kevin Luckner worked tirelessly with Multimedia Coordinator Dariel Paredes as they prepared for a video shoot on location at our Transitional Employment (TE) site at Sunset Cadillac. Creating videos isn’t all glamorous work, but Kevin was patient and thorough, making sure all of the details would be perfect. The video will feature our own director William McKeever along with Sunset Cadillac General Manager, Steve Montanaro, and will be used by Clubhouse International for training purposes to build TE programs.

With so many intriguing projects going on all at once at the Academy, it can be a challenge to keep our greater community up to date on our latest endeavors. We count on the Multimedia team to document how we move and shake. On any given day, it is not unusual to see our budding photographers and videographers popping up in the teams to catch us in action, showing candid shots of us engaging in interesting and meaningful work.

Today was particularly exciting, as it was our first remote shoot since the pandemic began a year ago. As our lives begin to move toward something resembling “normal,” we look forward to more opportunities to increase our range, be it to advocate or outreach, or to document our contributions in our community. The video we shot today will serve as a “best practices” training tool for other clubhouses to develop their own TE programs. In sharing what we have learned, our triumphs and trials, we hope to help create robust Transitional Employment near and far.

Shown above are Dariel Paredes, left, and Kevin Luckner preparing for the video shoot by testing the equipment.
