Sarasota Police Department – Academy at Glengary, Inc. The journey to recovery starts here Wed, 31 Jan 2024 16:35:16 +0000 en hourly 1 Crisis Intervention Fri, 17 Mar 2023 18:12:01 +0000 The Academy has participated in Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) with the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office and Sarasota Police Department since we first opened our doors in 2017. This 40-hour comprehensive training for law enforcement includes a day of site visits to various mental health providers, including the Academy at Glengary.

It’s beneficial for law enforcement to meet those who have mental health challenges outside of crisis situations. Here at the Academy, they see that our members are bright and motivated people, creative artists and thinkers, warm and welcoming hosts with hearts for service, and so much more. We often say of our members that their mental illness is the least interesting thing about them. But unfortunately, it’s often the only side that law enforcement sees when responding to a mental health crisis call. 

This past week, Academy member Paul Hennekes hosted our guests, provided them with a tour and introduced several members who shared their experiences of recovery. The officers stayed for lunch and were treated to an exceptional meal that was planned, created and served by our members. In this way, they experienced the whole individual; vibrant, complex, and accomplished people with whom they have more in common than not.

Conversely, it was an opportunity for our members to meet our local police in a relaxed and equitable environment without fear. An unfortunate consequence of officers responding to crisis is that members may associate the police with their worst days. And if those officers aren’t properly trained to recognize a mental health crisis, they may opt for the criminal justice system instead of referring to appropriate mental health treatment services.

Special thanks to ret. Lieutenant Charles Kenniff, for organizing the visit, and for being part of the solution to reducing incarceration among those with mental health concerns. When we simply take the time to get to know each other like this, the world becomes a much more peaceful and equitable place.

Glengary Times – March 17, 2023 Fri, 17 Mar 2023 18:10:59 +0000 ]]> Hosting Sarasota Police Wed, 09 Mar 2022 19:53:28 +0000 We were so grateful to ret. Lieutenant Charles Kenniff and the Sarasota Police Department for joining us on Tuesday as part of their Crisis Intervention Training (CIT). CIT is a week-long training for officers to learn about mental health symptoms and supports. This effort is designed to educate officers in addressing and deescalating situations in which a person experiencing a mental health crisis is involved. These trainings are highly effective at giving law enforcement tools that they can use to ask the right questions in order to identify supports, and divert outcomes from judicial to clinical.

Fifteen officers took a tour of the Academy, led by member Paul Hennekes. Paul was forthright in telling his personal story. Officers heard from other members as well as they toured the teams, asking questions, and getting to know our members as they most often are; productive, motivated and engaging. For those officers who don’t have personal connection to anyone with a mental health condition, they might only see the characteristics of crisis. We hope that their time at the Academy provided a broader picture of the lives of those who struggle with their mental health, and tools for helping them find the right support in place of arrest and incarceration.
