Alexandra Dustin – Academy at Glengary, Inc. The journey to recovery starts here Wed, 31 Jan 2024 16:35:16 +0000 en hourly 1 Connecting with CASL Thu, 14 Oct 2021 18:36:42 +0000 The Academy has always valued our community partners, and we take every opportunity to strengthen those ties. When CASL (Community Assisted & Supported Living) asked to learn more about what we do, we were more than happy to oblige. Our Enrollment Coordinator Patty Haltinner met virtually with CASL Business Alliances Director Alexandra Dustin, Team Lead Jurisa Negron, and Case Manager Christina Lobdell to discuss how our two agencies can collaborate to improve housing issues as well as recovery outcomes for those living with mental health issues.

The women from CASL all had great questions about our program and about our criteria for membership. The goal for this meeting was to discuss how CASL can connect us to those residents who would benefit from our program. CASL provides safe, affordable supported housing to adults with mental health disabilities. It just makes sense for us to work together in this way.

CASL has been a big supporter of the Academy since we opened our doors. We are grateful for their continued efforts to reduce homelessness and the accompanying anxiety that ensues with housing scarcity. CASL has provided stable housing to many Academy members, eliminating one of the biggest stressors in the lives of those with mental health challenges. With one less thing to worry about, our members can focus on things like employment, family, wellness, and personal interests. In short, they have one less barrier between themselves and their big dreams.
